Ken, in some of your recent columns you enflame the divisions of “them vs. us” [Truth and the unvaccinated, Ken Trainor, Viewpoints, Jan. 19]. And they contain the self-righteousness that “We are right, and they are wrong.” You are angry, afraid, and frustrated. But let’s go deeper. Dualism is one distorted aspect of the patriarchal system we all still live in. It sets up factions to fight. It wounds us all. One side wins, then the other side wins. Or is there ever a winner? Politics is so toxic and getting more so. 

May I suggest that you shift terrains? There will never be success with this dualistic approach, especially in the realm of politics. I know you as a spiritual seeker and teacher. Please help raise the dialogue to that spiritual realm, where the answers, connections, transformation, and creative solutions rest.

This is a time for each of us to courageously let go of the toxic dysfunction of the patriarchal paradigm and live from a place that allows its transformation. It seems that a partnership of the light (as opposed to shadow) side of masculine and feminine energies, including Divine Feminine energies, is a path to a new way of being. We each need deep guidance as to how to do this, how to be this. 

Gratefully, we can be inspired by interfaith wisdom as we interact with the other or when we think of the other. Here are a few spiritual gems:

  • “I salute the God within you. Namaste.”
  • A Course in Miracles teaches us to choose love over fear. 
  • The Golden Rule still shines: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s part of many religions and philosophical traditions. (Go to Humanity Healing International, Golden Rule, and click on the video.) Imagine a world where most people live as best they can from this truth, even in our imperfect ways. 

The Ascended Master Jesus reminds us to forgive 70 times seven and to “love your enemies.” His mission was to shift human consciousness to love. How are we doing?

This Buddhist Lovingkindness meditation and its wisdom helps center us, calm us, and remind us:
If anyone has hurt me or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly in thought, word, or deed, I freely forgive them.

And I too ask forgiveness if I have hurt anyone or harmed anyone knowingly or unknowingly in thought, word, or deed.

May I be happy
May I be peaceful
May I be free. 
May my friends be happy
May my friends be peaceful
May my friends be free. 
May my enemies be happy
May my enemies be peaceful
May my enemies be free. 
May all beings be happy
May all beings be peaceful
May all beings be free.

May it be. We are in the time called the Kali Yuga, predicted for thousands of years. This is a deeply dark and difficult time when humans can either destroy life as we know it on this planet or create something better: heaven on earth. Let’s courageously try our best to come together and create a better society which some call the new paradigm, 5-D Consciousness, or The New Earth. Amidst the deep challenges there is such a great opportunity. We can begin to do it together. We can choose love.

Gina Orlando is a former Oak Park resident who now lives in Forest Park.

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