Before I knew it, I had gambled my family’s estate away. I was panicked and suicidal. I believed my wife was going to throw me out of the house, that my brother was going to kill me, that everyone in my family was going to hate me, and that I was going to prison.

Since I have been in treatment at the Way Back Inn, my wife did not leave me.  She is supporting me.  Thanks to the WBI Family Program, my family rallied around me, becoming pillars for my new life in recovery. My court case is civil, so I will remain a free man.  I am on a payment restitution plan and I have not gambled. I’ve been in treatment now for 4 months. 

In the Way Back Inn Gambling Outpatient Program, we support and encourage one another. I am still working and my business is thriving. I am in the process of paying everything back.  I have gone from hopeless, despondent, and fearful to living a life filled with self-esteem and hope for the future. I am forever grateful for all of the help that me and so many people receive at the Way Back Inn to have a second chance at life.

The Way Back Inn

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