
What is the recourse?

Village government officials are supposed to enact the will of those they represent. Right now I imagine all the decision-makers are patting…

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Free preschool would boost early learning

When I graduated from Hawthorne Grade School in 1951, Time magazine named the Top 10 high schools in the country and Oak Park and River Forest High School was on that list. Fast forward to 1991-92 and both Wednesday Journal…

Murals add color and vibrancy to Oak Park

When driving on South and North boulevards in Oak Park, have you noticed swirls of color on the otherwise decaying concrete railroad retaining walls? Me too. Walking the same route, I see a combination of murals by different artists with…

Keep cameras, lose false narratives

Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) are motion-activated cameras widely used by law enforcement nationwide to address crime  (   In 2022, current trustees Susan Buchanan and Chibuike Enyia voted no to a request from the Oak Park Police Department (OPPD) for…

With racial equity, past remains prologue  

On April 25, the District 200 high school board voted 5-1 adopting a Strategic Plan for the next five years that continues to prioritize racial equity efforts at OPRF High School. In doing so they rejected a call from a…

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