Jonathan Burch has been hired as an Oak Park assistant village manager and the neighborhood services director starting June 10.

Burch, an Oak Park resident, is a housing and planning expert with understanding of local, state and federal approaches, according to a village news release. His role, according to the release, will also help accelerate goals set forth in the Climate Ready Oak Park plan. This plan sets guidelines to respond to the global climate crisis.

The village approved a standalone neighborhood services department in 2023 to work on housing programs, code compliance and grants management, with a focus on community engagement, according to the release.

“Our aim in standing up a separate neighborhood services department is to continue to align with industry standards across the country and elevate Oak Park as a world-class community,” Village Manager Kevin Jackson said in the release. “We are thrilled that we were able to identify the best fit to lead this group from right here in our own backyard.”

Burch has worked for the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning since 2012. He managed grants, research and projects, including all housing technical assistance projects. He worked on Regional Housing Solutions, Homes for a Changing Region and the Regional Housing Initiative.

The new village leader and his team were awarded $1.7 million to support their work during his time at CMAP. He also oversaw CMAP’s Americans with Disabilities Act technical assistance program, according to officials.

Burch also has experience as a senior planner for the Lake County community development division, where he managed about $9.5 million in grants. Before that, he was Heyer, Gruel & Associates’ lead affordable housing planner. In that role, he implemented affordable housing plans for more than 18 municipalities, the release states.

“Burch has had a significant hand in creating and implementing more than 60 affordable housing plans in Illinois and New Jersey,” village officials said in the release.

He has experience in Oak Park, too. Burch has volunteered on the housing programs advisory committee since 2021. This advisory board works to accomplish goals including improving the quality of residential properties, developing affordable housing and attracting diverse populations to Oak Park.

“I am excited to tackle these challenges and improve the community where I live as the leader of the new neighborhood services department,” Burch said in a statement.

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