On Sunday, April 14, it was standing room only in the Oak Park Main Library’s Veterans Room during “Oak Park Area’s Response to Migrants,” a program sponsored by Congregations Networking for Social Justice.

Dr. Kathleen Arnold, director of Refugees and Forced Migration Studies at DePaul University, gave keynote remarks that outlined the backdrop of dangerous conditions in Venezuela. There was personal testimony of a migrant who explained why he had to leave his country after shots were fired at his house for exposing corruption.

Annie Gomberg explained the response by the city of Chicago and the police precincts.

Betty Alzamora highlighted the work of the Oak Park Community Resettlement Mission and suggested there is a “butterfly effect” when small actions somewhere create positive results elsewhere.

Lynda Schueler described the ongoing successes of Housing Forward in housing those who are chronically unhoused.

The major religions of the world hold a similar tenet of “welcoming the stranger,” which has been demonstrated by the hundreds of volunteers in our congregations and community who have stepped up to donate clothing, make meals, drive families to health care, or search for housing.

More help will be needed this summer as the number of new arrivals is increasing. Explore volunteer opportunities with Oak Park Community Migrant Resettlement Mission (https://opmigrantresettlementmission.com/) and the Migrant Ministry at Centro San Edmundo (the former St. Edmund School) https://www.stgilesparish.org/migrant-ministry.

Congregations Networking for Social Justice sponsors 2-3 public educational events per year. The group was formed in 2022 when representatives of four local congregations, who were doing the work of anti-racism, advocacy, and organizing around an array of social justice issues, said, “We need to know each other.” Now more than 17 congregations are represented on a robust email list. People who sign-up for the email list will receive a quarterly newsletter, which shares information about events of interest and resources. For more information and/or to be added to the email list, email: justicenetwork.op@gmail.com.

Karin Grimes
Oak Park

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