Daddy-Daughter Glow Dance

Friday, Feb. 9, 6:30 – 9 p.m., River Forest Community Center

This fundraiser is for fathers or significant others and their daughter(s) ages 3-14 years. Enjoy a dinner buffet, ice cream sundae bar, DJ, and dancing. Photos, raffles, and accessories are available for an additional fee (cash only). Tickets: $50 for each daddy-daughter duo and $25 for each additional daughter. Register by phone at 708-771-6159 ext. 200, or email No walk-ins. 8020 Madison St., River Forest.

Films of Earth Love in Four Elements Air: ‘The Ants & the Grasshopper’

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2-4 p.m. , Oak Park Public Library, Dole Branch

This four-part series will circulate among the library’s three branches on Tuesday afternoons in Feb., each film focusing on one of the four elements of nature. A brief discussion will follow each film. 834 Lake St , Oak Park.

Valentine’s Day Smooth Jazz at Encore by Little Gem Café

Wednesday, Feb. 14, 7– 9:30 p.m., The Little Gem Café

Join in on Valentine’s Day. Encore!! By Little Gem Cafe is having live music by smooth jazz saxophonist Harold Dawson. Dine in and enjoy your evening. 187 N. Marion St., Oak Park.

Scrabble Club

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 1-3 p.m. Oak Park Public Library, Main Library

Join us for a friendly game of Scrabble. All skill levels and ages welcome. Register at 834 Lake St., Oak Park.

Art Exhibit: Converted – Sations by Takako Konishi

Feb. 2 – March 9, Oak Park Main Public Library

African American artist Takako Konishi (pseudonym; Keith Brown, b. 1969) constructs collages that pay homage yet break with the traditional collage aesthetic. He describes his process as painting with images. Utilizing digital technology along with traditional methods he cuts, pastes, blends, and mixes imagery, creating multi-layered mashup compositions that burst with sexuality, anger, beauty, and obsession. 834 Lake St., Oak Park.

Mastermind Group

Sunday, Feb. 11, 9 – 9:45 a.m., Unity Oak Park Spiritual & Family Center 

Join us for vision sharing, growth, and accountability. Purchase tickets using this link: 405 N Euclid Ave., Oak Park

The Three Baritones, With Love

Monday, Feb. 12, 1:15 – 2:30 p.m., The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association

Warm up with the sultry voices of The Three Baritones — Evan Bravos, Nicholas Ward, and Nathan Stark, accompanied by pianist Jonathan Gmeinder — as they present a smattering of operatic arias, Broadway favorites, and croony standards from the 19th and 20th centuries. 178 Forest Ave. #1, Oak Park.

Date Night: Valentine’s Day Hershey’s Kiss (3-9 Years)

Saturday, Feb. 10, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m., Kidcreate Studio – Oak Park

Do you want to see a movie that isn’t animated or enjoy a dinner that doesn’t include french fries? Sign your kids up for their own night out. Please pack a nut-free snack and a drink for your child. Visit for more info. 200 Harrison St., Oak Park.

Let’s Be Frank About Fast Fashion

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Oak Park Main Public Library

Come join library staffers Joy and Christine, fashion and secondhand clothing aficionados, for a presentation and discussion on the hows, whats, and whys of fast fashion during Global Fashion Week. Learn more about the life cycle of our clothes and how to shop and dispose of clothes more sustainably. We invite you to wear a favorite sustainable clothing item that is upcycled, secondhand, or handmade to the event, and bring one small washed item you no longer need (and might not be in tip-top shape for donation) to contribute to our group Take Back Bag. Register now at 834 Lake St., Oak Park.

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