Joslyn Bowling Dixon, executive director, Oak Park Public LIbrary, 2024
Joslyn Bowling Dixon

Joslyn Bowling-Dixon began her job as the Executive Director of the Oak Park Public Library in November 2022.

Q:  Can you describe what your role is at the library?

A:  Under the direction of the Oak Park Public Library Board of Trustees, as the Executive Director, I work to maintain the Oak Park Public Library in ways that anticipate and fulfill the needs of the Oak Park community. I am responsible for every phase of library strategy, including administration and management of operations, programs, collections and services, library staff, multi-faceted strategic plan implementation, technology, public relations, outreach and marketing, buildings and grounds, equipment, and budget.

Q: Have there been any surprises that you can share from your time in this role?

A: Not really. I think it has been a bonus for me and the Library that I worked at OPPL early in my library career, so I knew the library’s culture and the Oak Park community vibe very well coming into this new opportunity to serve as Executive Director. 

Q: What have been some of your favorite aspects of the job and why? 

A: Getting to work with colleagues I knew from working here before and how we all have grown and developed into the librarians we are today. I also really love developing relationships with the new teams and how they have made the library what it is today- a Five Star Library 15 years running. Last, but not least, one of the best aspects is connecting with the community, whether it’s asking questions, like at my recent series of Listening Sessions, or participating in OPRF Chamber of Commerce events or just stopping to talk to patrons while walking through the Library.

Q: Can you share something you love about working in the Oak Park/River Forest area? 

A: It’s just so beautifully cool here in OP/RF-from the architecture, to the restaurants, to the vocal advocacy for the good of the community, to the style, to the people- it’s a SCENE!  OPRF will always be one of those places in my heart that takes my breath away. 

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