In April 2017, a series of local conversations highlighted the continued need to address racism in our village, and a multiracial group of community members came together to brainstorm ways of engaging people who are white in deeper levels of education. After months of planning, we landed on small groups in affinity spaces as an effective method for holding difficult conversations. We ran a Race Conscious Dialogues pilot and have been running cohorts every season since, in the capacity of a nonprofit organization.

Our discussions, readings and activities are framed around unpacking and understanding Whiteness – our own racial identities, the historical and current harm being caused by Whiteness, and guided discovery of how we show up and work collectively to eradicate racism. 

FIFTY cohorts have been completed as of today and registration is ongoing. While our focus is working with those who are white, cohorts are offered periodically for persons of color through our partners. Affinity spaces allow for deep inner work, vulnerable dialogue, and are a highly valuable experience, but they are not the end game in our journey towards justice and healing. RCD participants are highly encouraged to support existing equity efforts and community-building opportunities in the area.

Thank you for your donation, and most importantly, your participation.

Race Conscious Dialogues

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