Happy Black History Month! These fruits and vegetables have deep roots in the African American community. Filled with vitamins and nutrients, this selection of powerful produce has fed generations of African Americans and in some cases even provided economic independence. Pick them up on your next produce run to nourish your body and soul.

1.Okra With most historians believing that Okra originated in Ethiopia, it has become a staple in many African and African American dishes. Okra is high in vitamin C and can even help protect your heart against blood clotting.

2. Watermelon After emancipation, watermelon became a path to economic freedom for newly freed African Americans. They grew, ate, and sold watermelon making the delicious fruit a symbol of freedom in the African American community.

3. Collard Greens The collard greens were just one of a few select vegetables that African-Americans were allowed to grow and harvest for themselves and their families throughout times of enslavement. Over generations cooked greens developed into a traditional food.

4. Sweet Potato Sweet potatoes or “yams” depending on who you ask, have solidified themselves in the African American community in the family favorite sweet potato pie. High in vitamins, fiber, and minerals, sweet potatoes give a boost to the immune system and may enhance brain function.

All of these and more than 70 varieties of fruits and vegetables are available at Forty Acres Fresh Market. Our next popup market is Friday 3/13- Sunday 2/15 at 5051 W Chicago Avenue. Visit fortyacresfreshmarket.com for market hours, delivery options, and more.

CONTACT: michael@austinweeklynews.com 

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