Over the years our nation has survived wars, corrupt and inept leaders, and economic setbacks. It has remained strong because we have always had some courageous men and women who pledged to serve our country before serving themselves. I am afraid I do not see many of those types of heroes today!

During the public hearing of Michael Cohen’s testimony before the Oversight Committee we saw (at first) the Democrats and Republicans squabbling, almost losing the purpose of the hearing. They were there to learn the truth of Mr. Cohen’s allegations against President Trump and it required that they be allies seeking answers to his serious accusations. After listening to Mr. Cohen’s story, along with the unbelievable number of crimes the president allegedly committed, we must begin to question if this can possibly be truth. Is all this, as our president has repeatedly stated, “a witch hunt”?

I must say I am bewildered and even somewhat immune to “Trump news,” but I cannot deny what is provable or openly (and proudly) admitted by President Trump himself!

His decision to disengage our nation from our foreign allies and his affinity to Russia and other dictatorships was appalling to me. His opposition to health care and environmental issues was a deep disappointment, but the most troubling concern I have had is his obvious racism, bigotry and hatred of non-whites and non-Christians and immigrants. 

His “no tolerance” policy is inhumane, separating children from their parents as a means of deterring immigrants seeking asylum in our country. Thousands of children have been orphaned and placed in “detention centers” throughout our nation. The youngest registered was only 8 months old. This child was re-united with his parents four months later while the parents fought in court against deportation — having committed no crimes.

Where are my Republican heroes? I am sure many are totally opposed to Mr. Trump’s “immigration plan” and also his unconcern about the highest deficit we have ever experienced in our nation’s history. I know there are Republicans who care for the human condition and object to bigotry and hatred. Why are you not willing to speak up and oppose these issues and his obsession concerning the wall for our southwest border?  Eight billion plus dollars could be better spent on a multitude of our country’s needs.

This letter has been sent to our Republican leaders as a plea to demonstrate a citizen’s distress. And to you, my friends and neighbors, please contact any folks in our legislature and urge them to be our heroes.

We all want our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to respect, admire, and appreciate our nation’s leadership and, eventually, the presidency.

Harriet Hausman, who turns 95 this week, is a resident of River Forest.

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