The Oct. 27 Wednesday Journal article, “Neighbors vent over Comcast building proposal,” contained a minor inaccuracy regarding a recent survey conducted by the Neighbors for Madison Renewal. The article stated that Neighbors for Madison Renewal received 342 replies from neighbors within four blocks of the proposed development. We actually received 281 replies from respondents within four blocks of the proposed development. Of this group, 68 percent were opposed to the proposal and 21 percent were in favor.

Wednesday Journal was accurate in reporting that 74 percent of those within one block of the proposal were opposed and 17 percent were in favor, and that of the overall total of 342 respondents, 60 percent were opposed and 30 percent in favor. But the overall sample included 43 people who lived six blocks or more from the proposed development, and 18 who lived five blocks from the development.

Neighbors for Madison Renewal conducted this survey to assess the perspective of our local neighborhood about the proposed redevelopment of the Comcast building at Madison and Grove. The full results of the survey are available on our website,

Alan Goldberg, Angela Larson, Bill and Dianne McDermott, Bill Murphy, Brad Farrar, Gerard Norman, Henry Zimoch, Jeff Fechalos, Jessica McMeyer, Linda Hill, Ljubomir Perkovic, Melissa Mickelberry, Mike Awe, Michael Pisanko, and Ted Despotes
Neighbors for Madison Renewal Coordinating Committee

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