I am writing in response to the review appearing in the Aug. 3 edition of your paper regarding March of the Penguins (“Check out the chocolate, save the penguins”). I saw this movie with my daughter and her four children. My daughter and I loved it; the children liked it.

While I cannot disagree with the overall tenor of the review, I would like to take exception to the criticism of the music. I felt that it was entirely appropriate to the scenes of which it was a part. It wasn’t just flute music; and the film was about nature!

More importantly I have been hoping that your paper would run a separate article about the composer of the music. Alex Wurman lived in Oak Park and graduated from Oak Park River Forest High School in the early 80s.

His parents, Brenda and Hans, were well known in musical circles themselves. Brenda taught Suzuki violin in Oak Park and Hans was one of the pioneers of the Moog Synthesizer. (I believe your newspaper has run articles on both of them in the past.)

I certainly am proud to have known Alex and feel he deserves positive mention by your paper.

Carol J. Schubert
Oak Park

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