The school board elections are near and everyone, whether you have students in the schools or not, should look at the candidates running for school board closely. There are several candidates running, but residents should look at all aspects of the candidates. Do not be fooled by the stumpers who are all about telling you how bad things are and elaborating on the problems. We need someone who understands the problems but has sound solutions to the problems and can work professionally with the existing administrators to get things accomplished.

Everyone benefits from a top quality school district. Good school districts attract people to the community, which in turn bolsters property values. This helps people whether they have students in the schools or not. The most important reason people proactively promote excellence in the schools is so our children can get the best possible educational experience. The elementary and middle schools are key to preparing the students for high school.

I sit around at fundraisers, sporting events and other social events and hear a lot of people discussing their concerns of the direction the school district is going. That’s why I was elated to hear my neighbor Kathy Tortorice was running for school board. What a perfect candidate! She is currently active with many groups in the community such as Lincoln School PTO, Brooks PTO (Critical Issues Process), and Ascension Church Board of Christian Education. Kathy Tortorice and I are also Co-Cub Scout Pack leaders for pack 28 thus I know first hand, by working with her, she is a great communicator and organizer. Kathy and I have been neighbors for over a decade and has always has taken charge of our block social events.

Kathy Tortorice is very passionate about the school board position. She currently has children in the school district, therefore has a vested interest in the quality of the schools. Kathy’s beliefs stress accountability, financing as well as maintaining and improving curriculum. I have children in the school districts as well and fully understand the challenges for the school board that lie ahead. I feel very confident that Kathy Tortorice is qualified for the position and will make a positive change for the school district.

John Figel
Oak Park

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