After the gang letter controversy that caused an uproar in the OPRFHS community, students at the high school responded impressively by writing letters to the editor of Wednesday Journal. At last count, more than 50 letters were submitted by students. Most of them reproached the newspaper for its poor decision to print the racist letter and accompanying, defamatory photograph, which falsely accused a black high school student of being a gang member.

A few of the really insightful letters touched upon the problem of the achievement gap as it exists at the high school today.

Clearly, this topic is on the minds of many of the students at the high school. I would encourage students to voice their concerns here. What do you think is the real problem at the heart of the achievement gap? What do you think should be done about it, if anything? Are you affected by measures aimed at closing the achievement gap? Does it affect you negatively or positively, or do you not notice it at all? How much of the problem is the student’s responsibility to fix? How much of the responsibility falls to the school, the parents, the community? In your experience, what aspects of your education have you found to most help/hinder your success?

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