During the holiday season we talk of “peace on Earth.”

We need to do more than talk. We must push our public officials to curb the wars our country is sponsoring and support initiatives for peace. Take a minute to drop a postcard or email our two Illinois U.S. senators, Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin, and your congressman (Rep. Danny K. Davis, Luis Gutierrez or Mike Quigley.)

Tell them to pass legislation encouraging diplomatic efforts for peace in North Korea. Tell them Congress, not the president, holds constitutional authority to declare war; tell them to reclaim war powers and stop giving the Pentagon blank checks of untold trillions.

Americans need health care and housing. We must fix roads, rail lines, water systems. We need systems to reduce fossil fuel use and decrease pollution. Where’s the money we need? It’s in the bombs we’ve been dropping in other countries’ wars we’re supporting! Vested interests lobby to use our tax dollars and our soldiers to seize control of land, fossil fuels and finances. These wars create refugees in Asia, Africa and Latin America, who then come seeking help. Our own damaged veterans have trouble finding jobs and aid.

Our whole economy needs to be changed from war to peace. Companies making money from weapons need to redirect their talents toward green jobs in a clean infrastructure. Every bill before Congress poses a choice in these matters. Which will it be — death or life for our world?

Bonni McKeown


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