Fenwick has earned a necessary nod from Oak Park’s Zoning Board of Appeals and, with an OK from the village board, can move ahead with the demolition of two handsome and vintage apartment buildings it owns on Scoville Avenue. The two buildings will make way temporarily for surface parking lots. Eventually, and as part of its master plan, Fenwick will construct a parking garage on the site.

Hard to get too enthused about losing vintage buildings and property tax revenues to provide parking for students and staff of Fenwick. That said, Fenwick is a foundational institution in Oak Park and it is slowly working a thoughtful plan to grow its campus and to turn its front door toward Madison and East. It acquired condos in these two buildings gradually and at fair prices.

Locals have long complained about Fenwick students clogging residential streets. And the parking they lease from the village at Oak Park and Madison will hopefully soon be upgraded to new development. 

Overall a good outcome.

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