I feel sad that Kevin feels his family would not be welcome at Beye. [Pro-gay group violated district policy, say parents, March 31]. We would love to have his family at Beye, as we love that Beye is a place of diversity and respect for all parents and children and staff.

I am one of the protesting parents, but we have never felt, nor tried to communicate, that non-traditional families are not welcome at Beye. We were never opposed to our PTO hosting the LGBT evening event for the support of our LGBT parents.

What we were upset about was the content of the teacher training and tools from ISSA (The Illinois Safe Schools Alliance). It is the ISSA content and tools that we feel are inappropriate for elementary children and have requested the board to review and remove.

We greatly value, and are glad for, our friendships with gay parents at Beye and we are thankful that our children are friends.

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