Here we go again …

Somewhere between $30,000,000 and $41,000,000 dollars (the zeros are important for emphasis) to entice Colt building developers. In reality, if past is prelude, the cost will be much greater and the return to the village much less. And it will involve five years of taxpayer-funded feasibility studies, board bickering, and protest to ultimately decide what kind of mistake will be built.

“I’ve never been through one of these [competitions] before” and “It seems to me that’s a pretty steep amount,” observes Trustee John Hedges. Perhaps an unusually honest comment from an elected official, but not one that instills great confidence in this already overburdened and abused
Oak Park taxpayer. I can’t seem to forget the garages, public works facilities, library, new middle schools, brick pavers, heated sidewalks, North Avenue boulevards, and, last but not least, those giant $100,000 Schick razors otherwise known as “gateways” to the Harrison Street Arts District.

How can anyone have any confidence in a village government, who I acknowledge always has their heart in the right place (clearly paramount to most villagers even if it means financial ruin) yet never seems to get it quite right?

Many have suggested that this board is financially shrewder and more experienced than previous boards. I say some politically correct form of higher being needs to help us!

If the social and economic desirability of
Oak Park were anywhere near what most delusional villagers think it is, we wouldn’t have to pay responsible developers to do what it is that they do.

Richard Gorman

Oak Park

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