To paraphrase the character President Andrew Shepard in the movie American President, “Oak Park is a tough place to govern, but hard decisions lie ahead and we need leadership; and Bob, your 15 minutes of fame are up.”

Bob Milstein loves to hear himself talk. He panders, blusters, insults and demeans, but he does not govern. Bob Milstein loves to drone on and then vote in the negative, going against the grain, just because he can. He will vote against village staff recommendations or independent experts hired by the village, not because he has an articulable reason but because he enjoys the limelight of being a nay-sayer.

Oak Park does have tough decisions to make as we go forward. The other trustees have discovered that governing is not about one issue, nor is it easy (just ask Trustee Marsey), and I applaud them for their dedication and ability to make the right decisions, especially when those decisions are hard to make.

There are many candidates running for the village board in the upcoming election, I urge all Oak Parkers to learn about these candidates and vote for the person(s) who will best lead the entire village on all issues, not just one or two. We need leaders who can govern, not braggarts or charlatans. Bob Milstein is not a leader-he has proven that, time and time again. I will not vote to re-elect Bob Milstein to the village board, and I urge all Oak Parkers to vote him out of office.

Richard J. Downs
Oak Park

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