First, let me say I applaud Barbara Langer and the Exempt Our Elevators group. I agree with their efforts to seek an exemption for existing condos.

Yet … and yet … I must add a word of defense for our state Senator Don Harmon. He opted to support Amendment 2 which “postpones compliance dates from 2009 or 2011 to 2013.”

I am not privy to his reasons for so doing. It is possible that he perceives the need for maneuvering space in this sometimes murky business of politics.

But it is here that I would rise not only to his defense but also that of the process itself. I know Don Harmon to be anything but a political opportunist, which stands as high praise, indeed, in this time of poll-seeking to establish direction. Populism has its dangers. We need something better from our leaders-a moral compass, if you will-that transcends finger-wetting for direction. I think we have that moral compass embodied in Sen. Harmon.

Ours is, after all, a republic, not a democracy in its original sense. We elect and entrust leaders to stand for us in seeking the best solutions for a well-ordered society. As individual citizens, we are not often aware of swirling eddies of intrigue and other less savory aspects of the political process. That’s where and when we need to trust that our leaders are people of integrity and sound judgment. I believe we have that in Don Harmon.

Wayne Lucht

Oak Park

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