Thank you, David Holmquist, for your very enlightening piece in the April 4 Wednesday Journal on “glyphosate,” the active ingredient in Round Up [Toxic herbicide poisons us, Viewpoints]. I have read about Dr. Thierry Vrain, a genetic engineer from Canada, whom GoGreen Oak Park is bringing here to inform us on the topic. The event is on Thursday, April 12 at 7 p.m. at Trinity High School in River Forest.

I understand Dr. Vrain will also be going to Springfield to speak to our legislators at the invitation of state Sen. Don Harmon. 

At this time we have no power to regulate pesticides in our local communities due to a pre-emptive amendment to our pesticide law, which is implemented at the state level. That needs to be changed. The health of our children and grandchildren is at stake.

Mary Erkins

Oak Park

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