I’ve never met Mr. Peter Martz [Unleashing dogs on squirrels isn’t fun to watch, Viewpoints, Feb. 1], but there are three things I know about him: He lives in Oak Park, he reads the local papers, and he’s a coward. How else to explain his standing by and watching as a couple let loose their dogs to try to kill squirrels in Austin Gardens?

Mr. Martz could have told them to stop, and/or if he had his cellphone, call the police to either come by or notify animal control, and/or walk across the street to the 19th Century Club or any shop at Forest and Lake and have them call the police. Any action would have shown the couple that their actions were wrong, and hopefully they’d be shamed enough to stop, this time and in the future. People like this are, after all, acting like children.

Mr. Martz probably made himself feel good by writing the letter describing his experience, but you can be sure that that same couple has come back and by now, with the warm weather, their dogs have killed those squirrels. Thanks, Mr. Martz, from an animal lover who’s not a coward.

Ann Nowen
Oak Park

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